Vision | Guiding Principals | Goals

Looking to the Future

Creating Action Agenda 2030

Action Agenda 2030 is a forward-thinking strategic vision, goals and strategies document that positions CIMERS to efficiently and effectively address emerging priority coastal and marine issues into the future with its numerous partners sited at NOAA laboratories throughout the nation.

It was developed with the engagement of NOAA staff and staff from numerous colleges at Oregon State University (OSU). They compiled a survey to assess CIMERS accomplishments and articulate key areas for the future based on existing and emerging NOAA needs and priority issues associated with marine and coastal science and technology.

The Action Agenda 2030 resulted from the survey outcomes and subsequent focus groups consisting of individuals with areas of expertise identified as important to NOAA and OSU marine and coastal scientists. Discussions included artificial intelligence, robotics, ocean and coastal mapping, surveying and monitoring, outreach, human dimensions and social sciences, engineering, physical and chemical oceanography, seafloor processes, ocean acoustics, marine species and ecosystems, coastal hazards and resilience, and the changes occurring in oceans as a result of climate change stressors.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a model of excellence and innovation conducting world-class transdisciplinary research focused on addressing important challenges facing the Pacific Northwest coast and ocean, leveraging NOAA expertise, facilities, and resources with Oregon State University academic strengths. This document is a compilation of CIMERS's Guiding Principles, Goals and Strategies for meeting them.

Our Guiding Principles

  • We embrace collaborations and partnerships with other academic institutions, agencies, industries, and international entities to address the complex and challenging issues facing our ocean and coasts.

  • We believe it is our responsibility to guide and develop the next generation of marine scientists by fostering an environment that welcomes and supports a diversity of students with the skills, abilities, knowledge, training, and expertise to conduct meaningful research and invent and maintain needed technologies that inform our understanding of marine and coastal processes.

  • We strive to be sustainable, creating a balanced funding portfolio that makes commitments to large-scale, long-term research while supporting a suite of short-term research studies capable of addressing more immediate challenges.

  • We prioritize our efforts in CIMERS focal areas, but consider emerging opportunities that use our areas of expertise to contribute to our overall understanding of marine and coastal processes and issues.

  • We are committed to transdisciplinary research, acknowledging that understanding complex ocean and coastal issues requires researchers working from many different disciplines, including social sciences, to explore research questions at the intersection of their respective fields.

Our Goals

View the Strategies for achieving these goals.

  • Research - Conduct innovative, world-class, transdisciplinary marine and coastal research that meets NOAA's mission and strategic priorities and OSU-CIMERS expertise while advancing our understanding of and ability to respond to marine and coastal processes.

  • Workforce - Foster the development of a diverse, skilled, trained, and experienced workforce to contribute to innovative marine and coastal research and technologies.

  • Outreach - Build enhanced awareness, appreciation, and connection to the OSU-CIMERS brand to create a community of support and investment in the unique products and services CIMERS offers and develop a shared understanding of the value and benefits of CIMERS.

  • Partnership - Strengthen existing and develop new partnerships to achieve CIMERS' mission and to better position CIMERS as the "go-to" organization for joint NOAA-academic marine ecosystem and coastal research.

  • Management - Strengthen CIMERS organizational and administrative management components to ensure long-term sustainability and serve as a global leader in contributions to marine and coastal science priorities.